Sunday, August 08, 2004

Speech Recognition....Yay!

Hello everyone!

This is my second attempt to write a post using the speech recognition program on my computer. The first one I attempted to write was going along well, and then I said something wrong apparently, and it got deleted! I guess this is one of the dangers of working with the speech recognition program, but overall it works pretty well I must say!

Okay this time I stopped and saved it using the voice commands and it worked fairly well, I only had to make one correction. This is a little slow going because for every ten words it gets correct one or two are wrong, which isn’t a bad score. This is not as fast as I thought it would be but it should pick up speed as it gets used to my voice. It works in all Microsoft office programs as well as the windows basic environment. But I noticed it doesn’t work in aftermarket programs. I need to read the help file and see if there are some settings I can change to make it work.

One thing I’ll mention, is you have to place punctuation by speaking it. For example: “comma” needs to be spoken aloud, but in order to place the word between the quotes I had to type it out which is a pain so maybe I need to see if there’s another way to do it. I’m looking forward to writing my first e-mail using this feature. No doubt a lot of you out there on the web are using this type of program a lot, so this post is pretty boring to you since the technology came out several years ago. But for me it’s fresh and its fun!

I hope everyone’s Sunday turns out great!

Lots of love to everyone out there, you know who you are!


(hey it got my name right! I guess it works off the dictionary!)

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