Saturday, August 14, 2004

Lot of work today!

Hello All, lots of work to do today, but first, i wanted to share a photo of Sheena, and one of the kittens, (watching Sheena) here it is:

Well, i had a lot to do today, we were planning on having a party, and the barbecue was all rusted out, (y'know how rain just eats them things up!) luckily, since we live on a volcanic island, instead of heading down to SEARS, we just dug a hole in the backyard, and sure enough, after 3 or 4 feet we hit lava! Don't even have to worry about running out'a briquets or charcoal lighter fluid! Here's a picture of the firepit i dug:

Anyway, we just threw the steaks on a couple skewers, lowered 'em down for about a minute, and they wuz cooked thru! Same with the hotdogs, and chicken. Yummm! Them lava pits sure are useful!

However, before all that, we had to clear out the driveway; seems that there pesky lava done covered up the road to our house, so we had to dig it out before the people we invited could come on over. Here's a picture of how it looked before we cleared it out:

As you can see, its not all about having a Mai Tai while lounging in the sun! There's some work we have to do here before we can relax and Party! Those are just minor inconveniences though. It takes more time to climb up the coconut tree to grab coconuts!

Anyway, hope you all are having a wonderful weekend, and those of you in hurricane country, remember, Hawaii is just a short hop across the states!




Anonymous said...

Congrats on an efficient use of natural heat for your BBQ! After having to clear off your driveway, though, maybe it might have been easier to clean the rust off the grill after all. I had a similar experience trying to dig a firepit for the kalua pig for my brother's graduation party, except that we hit pahoehoe lava, a real gusher about 36 feet high. The lava ate through the telephone wires and the roofs of a few neighbors as the winds changed direction. Fortunately, this was at a friend's house in downtown Hilo, and a large earthquake in South America the day before set off a tsunami that arrived just in time, flooding the vent and putting paid to the geyser. The entire neighborhood was also wiped out, but most of those houses were due for some major repairs anyway, so everything worked out for the best in the end. Our only regret was that the kalua pig was a little too well done for most people. You know how my family hates to waste food. -- mikmak

Anonymous said...


With your (very) creative comment, you should be hosting your own Blog! Or do you already have one?

- Jakster